Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Bint Jbeil, October 14, 2010

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Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, during his presidential term, visited southern Lebanon and on the second and last day of his visit to this country, where he delivered a speech among large crowds in the town of Bint Jbeil, bordering with Israel, whose helicopters flew over the border area in conjunction with Ahmadinejad's visit to the town. The Iranian President said that Bint Jbeil is alive and will remain head-raised, victorious and fortified in front of all enemies, while the fate of the Zionists is demise. Ahmadinejad also said in his speech that he came to Lebanon to convey the greeting of the Iranian leadership to the Lebanese and to thank the Lebanese people,young and old, and to support the brave Lebanese people.